Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Banded Lampeye Killifish

Aplocheilichthys spilauchen

 Banded Lampeye Killifish have a very gentle but attractive coloration. A planted tank is an excellent way to showcase your specimens. They are especially pleasing when contrasted against a dark substrate in a dimly lit aquarium. With their bright red eyes, you can see why these fish are included in the lampeye group of killifish.
   A lively but peaceful schooling fish, the Banded Lampeye can be a great addition to any community tank. They live in the mouths of rivers in Western Africa so they will do well with non-aggressive brackish water fish, but they will also do just fine in a freshwater tank with peaceful tank mates.

Distribution:   The Banded Lampeye Killifish was described by Duméril in 1861. They range from the mouth of the Senegal River to the mouth of the Congo River in Western Africa where they inhabit estuaries, mangrove swamps, and brackish water.
Status:   This fish is not listed on the IUCN red list.
Description:   The body of the Banded Lampeye Killifish is rather cylinder shaped with short rounded fins, and the scales are round. The head is flattened on top and the mouth is at the tip, they have no barbels. They have a subdued cream to light brown coloration with an iridescent silvery blue along the center of the body, strongest on the back half. The Male will have silvery blue cross stripes on the base of the tail and more intensely colored fins than the female.
Size - Weight:   This fish will reach 2.75 inches (7 cm).
Care and feeding:   Banded Lampeye Killifish are primarily carnivores. They will eat most smaller sized aquarium foods but they will look their best if fed mostly live or fresh frozen foods such as bloodworms or brine shrimp.
   As with many fish, the lampeyes will do best and are most effectively displayed in tanks which simulate their natural habitat. A dark substrate in a dimly lit aquarium will showcase this fish best. As they are a bit shy dense vegetation along the back and sides will provide hiding places. Leave open swimming space in the middle.
   Since their maximum size is less than 3 inches, they will do well in a 10 gallon tank as long as the water is kept clean. Provide good filtration and do regular water changes. The mouths of the rivers they originate from have freshwater mingling with the sea so their natural water conditions range from fresh to brackish. You can keep them in freshwater, but a brackish environment is preferable and can be created by adding 2 - 3 teaspoons of salt for each 2 1/2 gallons of water. If you plan on attempting to breed them, brackish water is suggested.

           Scientific Classification

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Actinopterygii
  • Order: Cyprinodontiformes
  • Family: Poeciliidae


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